Experience Counts

The Santa Clarita Valley is fortunate to have an abundance of experienced water professionals who continue to serve our community even after retirement. These ex-managers, supervisors, and engineers bring invaluable knowledge and expertise to the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board of Directors, ensuring that our water supply and quality are managed cost-effectively and efficiently. Keeping and adding to this pool of highly educated and experienced water experts is crucial for our future.

The Value of Experienced Professionals

  • Deep Understanding of Water Systems: Experienced water professionals have a comprehensive understanding of the complex systems involved in water management and operations. Our insights help in making informed decisions about infrastructure development, supply management, and quality control.

  • Proven Track Record: Professionals with decades of experience have a proven track record of successfully managing water resources and operating and maintaining water infrastructure. Our past achievements demonstrate our capability to handle the challenges that come with water supply management operations.

  • Continuity and Stability: Having the same individuals who have managed water resources and operated and maintained water infrastructure for decades will make for sound, complete decisions. This consistency is vital for long-term planning and sustainable water resources and facilities management.

  • Innovation and Adaptability: Experienced professionals are not only knowledgeable about traditional water management practices but are also adept at incorporating new technologies and innovative solutions to meet evolving challenges.

  • Community Commitment: Many of these professionals, myself included, have chosen to stay in the Santa Clarita Valley after retirement. Their continued involvement reflects a deep commitment to the community and its water supply security.

My Qualifications and Commitment

As a candidate for the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board, I bring extensive experience and a strong commitment to our community. Here are some key points that highlight why I am one of the best choices for our valley:

1. Leadership Experience:

  • General Manager of the Castaic Lake Water Agency (predecessor to the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency) for over a dozen years.

  • Executive Director of the Central Coast Water Authority for ten years.

  • Vice President of Valencia Water Company (now the SCVWA Valencia Water Division) for more than five years.

  • Served on the Boards of Directors of the Castaic Lake Water Agency, State Water Contractors, Valencia Water Company and the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce.

  • Member of the City of Santa Clarita Planning Commission for four years.

2. Advanced Water Treatment Initiatives:

  • Oversaw the installation of two solar power facilities at CLWA, reducing operational costs and supporting environmental sustainability​.

  • Oversaw at CLWA planning, permitting, construction and operation of the facilities to treat contaminated local Saugus Formation groundwater and restore it to service.

3. Proactive Water Quality Management:

  • Led a CLWA legal and technical team in successfully negotiating a settlement of a groundwater contamination lawsuit and obtaining up to $100 million to remediate and treat perchlorate contamination of the local Saugus Formation aquifer. After retiring, provided arbitration and trial court testimony in support of two subsequent successful legal efforts by CLWA and its successor SCVWA to obtain additional remuneration from the property owners and insurance providers.

4. Infrastructure Improvement Projects:

  • Oversaw over $150 million of CLWA capital improvements including nearly doubling capacity of both water treatment plants to meet growing needs of SCV cost-effectively and efficiently.

  • Completed construction of the CLWA’s initial recycled water facilities and initiated recycled water deliveries in the SCV.

  • Oversaw permitting, design and construction of CCWA project facilities ($114 million) to treat and deliver SWP water to San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties.

5. Community Engagement:

  • Prioritized transparency and community involvement, providing regular updates and opportunities for public input on water management decisions​.

The Importance of Maintaining Experienced Leadership

Maintaining and expanding the presence of experienced water professionals on the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board of Directors is one of the best decisions our community can make. These experts bring a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to ensuring a reliable and high-quality water supply. By voting to keep these seasoned professionals, including myself, on the Board, we can continue to benefit from their expertise and dedication to the well-being of our community. Thank you for your support.

-Dan Masnada

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